Monday, April 5, 2010

What life means to you?

I have been thinking about this from last few days... what life means to you...? For some it may be just earn money, name, fame... for some its just pass a day hoping to get food n shelter for tmrw, for some waiting for something/one as wished for... thats all..anything else?

i was thinking wat did i achive so far, completed my education(ofcourse not with flying colors but with satisfactory grades), got a career with best in the industry... got a few bestfriends who can be at my side when needed..found love of my life...keeping everyone happy around me as much as possible... thats all... is this enough? no i am not satisified yet :(.

Then what i want? For me, this thought came after an incident which made me change a lil in myself. I felt meaning of life is making a difference in others might ask "what will you get by doing this?" this may means nothing to some but for some it means a i have started creating my blue print for this purpose... i felt happy with last wknd for wat i did a small contribution on my part to society...this kinda happiness can be earned with wat interests you...

Hoping to continue this to make a difference in others life....

Feel fortunate for wat you have rather than cribbing about wat you dont will be peaceful...